The Ledge, Episode 31: Gunk Punk

On a whim a few weeks ago, I picked up Eric Davidson's awesome book, We Never Learn: The Gunk Punk Undergut 1988-2001. Inspired by the stories of some of the raunchiest, grimy rock and roll of the past 25 years, I compiled 90 minutes of my favorite "gunk punk" treasures. Nab it from iTunes, download it here or listen to realpunkradio this Friday at 8 pm central time. Rock on, my brothers and sisters!

1. Lazy Cowgirls, "D.I.E. In Indiana" from Their Sympathetic Majesties Request

2. The Alarm Clocks, "No Reason to Complain" from Back From the Grave, Volume 1

3. The Novas, "The Crusher" from Back From the Grave, Volume 1

4. Raunch Hands, "Your Fat Friend" from We Never Learn: The Gunk Punk Undergut

5. Dwarves, "Throw That Girl Away (alternate take)" from We Never Learn: The Gunk Punk Undergut

6. Oblivians, "Memphis Creep" from We Never Learn: The Gunk Punk Undergut

7. The Gibson Bros, "Barbara" from Memphis Sol Today!

8. Thee Headcoats, "Hatred, Ridicule, and Contempt" from Their Sympathetic Majesties Request

9. Devil Dogs, "Get On Your Knees" from Their Sympathetic Majesties Request

10. The Cynics, "Baby What's Wrong" from Rock & Roll

11. Cheater Slicks, "There's a Girl" from Don't Like You

12. Dirty Lovers, "Teenage Love Bomb" from 7"

13. The Mummies, "I'm Down" from We Never Learn: The Gunk Punk Undergut

14. Country Teasers, "Thank You God For Making Me An Angel" from Satan Is Real Again

15. Nine Pound Hammer, "Folsom Prison Blues" from Smokin' Taters

16. Gas Huffer, "Bad Guy Reaction" from Runnin' On Fumes: The Gearhead Magazine Singles Colleciton

17. Supercharger, "Mystery Action" from Runnin' On Fumes: The Gearhead Magazine Singles Collection

18. Cosmic Psychos, "Some Girls" from Runnin' On Fumes: The Gearhead Magazine Singles Collection

19. The Candy Snatchers, "She Goes Down" from Pissed Off, Ripped Off, Screwed: The First Two Years

20. Teengenerate, "My GTO" from 500 Miles to Glory

21. The Fall-Outs, "Don't Want the Sun" from 500 Miles to Glory

22. Supersuckers, "Caliente" from The Smoke of Hell

23. Rocket From the Crypt, "Born in '69" from Scream, Dracula, Scream!

24. New Bomb Turks, "Up For a Downslide" from Destroy-Oh-boy!


Grant Wentzel saidā€¦
Hi Scott -

Thanks for the show and the recent "gunk punk" episode.

I moved to Sioux Falls about two years ago from Columbus and came across your podcast while trolling the internets to find out what's happening out here on the other edge of the midwest.

It was good to hear a few familiar names from my old town. Keep up the good work!

- Grant
Scott saidā€¦
Cool! Thanks for the comment!

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