Live Ledge #133: Blame Canada

Isn't Toronto Mayor Rob Ford the best? He's a gift that keeps on giving. Every day, he has something new that's even more outrageous than what he said or did the day before!
Tonight's show is inspired by our favorite Canadian politician. There's nothing but Canadian rock, and it's primarily of the punk variety. There are the old school originals such as The Dishrags, D.O.A., and the Subhumans, along with more recent acts such as Fucked Up, White Wires, and King Khan & BBQ Show. Plus, Mr. Ford has a few comments throughout the show.
Grab this episode at the usual online spots, or...


1. Subhumans, Oh Canaduh
2. South Park, Blame Canada
3. King Khan & BBQ Show, Invisible Girl
4. The White Wires, Just Wanna Be With You
5. Japandroids, The House That Heaven Built
6. Fucked Up, The Other Shoe
7. The Flashing Lights, Highschool
8. The Super Friendz, Karate Man
9. The Weakerthans, Aside
10. The Tragically Hip, My Music At Work
11. The Subhumans, Canada's Favorite Sport
12. Dayglo Abortions, Proud To Be A Canadian
13. SNFU, Wild World
14. D.O.A., Fortunate Son
15. Sloan, Nervous Breakdown
16. Young Canadians, I Hate Music
17. Art Bergmann, Gambol
18. Teenage Head, Teenage Beer Drinkin' Party
19. Danko Jones, Sex Change
20. The Nils, Scratches and Needles
21. Chixdiggit, I Remember You
22. The Scramblers, Solitary Man
23. Pointed Sticks, The Marching Song
24. The Smugglers, Our Stanley Cup
25. Jughead, Hockey Song
26. Wheat Chiefs, Joe Murphy
27. Joe Shithead & Cub, Pencil Neck Geek
28. Hanson Brothers, Joey Had To Go
29. Forgotten Rebels, Surfin' On Heroin
30. The Viletones, Never Feel Sad
31. The Skulls, Fucked Up Baby
32. Nomeansno, The Land Of The Living
33. Propagandhi, Ska Sucks
34. The Dishrags, Bullshit


grudznick saidā€¦
Mr. Hudson, I was introduced to some music today that reminded me of some of yours and about how I must open my mind to some new musics. The Screaming Weasel was something I bet you have walked briskly to before. I am going to get one of those devices you can put music on and then wear headphones anywhere and listen and I might put some Screaming Weasel on it. Thank you sir.
Scott saidā€¦
Cool, Grud! I believe the band you're talking about is Screeching Weasel. Same thing, I know. Let me know if I can help you pick some stuff!

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