Two Cow Garage Documentary

This Saturday evening, Chicago's Two Cow Garage will headline the second annual Jakob L. Beier Benefit Concert at the El Riad Shrine Center. Also appearing are the Hopefuls (formerly Olympic Hopefuls) and the All Get Outs, featuring Violet leader Rich Show. Here's a recent interview with the director of The Long Way Around: One Badass Year With Two Cow Garage, a new documentary of the band.
By Derek Phillips, November 7, 2005
Glorious Noise has been a longtime supporter of the Columbus, Ohio band Two Cow Garage. They represent everything right about independent music—from their incredible energy on stage and development as musicians and performers, to their Do It Yourself attitude, dedication to the road, and genuine appreciation of each and every fan. They are proof of GLONO's motto: rock and roll can change your life. Rock and roll took these three guys together and transported them out of Smalltown, Ohio into the wide open spaces of this great country. But GLONO is just one signal in a cacophony of noise devoted to great music, so it's heartwarming to find another voice trumpeting Two Cow's greatness.
Read the rest of this interview
on Glorious Noise.