Live Ledge #50: RIP Megaupload

I'm sure a handful or so of you are reading this post wondering what happened to last week's Live Ledge? Surely it should have been posted by now!
Well, my Friday evening started off like normal. I did Live Ledge on realpunkradio from 6 - 8 pm. In fact, I even went a few minutes long, as my successor, Mojo Workout, had the night off. After signing off, I did a little bit of editing at the beginning and end of the show, and went to upload it.
Uh oh. For some reason, my account was listed as "suspended"! WTF?!?!? I was obviously paranoid as to exactly what I had done wrong, but over the next day I discovered that almost everybody who used the same hosting service had found similar messages.
With the help of RPR head honcho Jason Snyderman, though, I appear to be back up for the time being. My other shows, though, have yet to appear but hopefully will in the near future.
Back to this episode. A good majority of the program deal with the shutdown of the popular file sharing site Megaupload. As always, most of the music for the night consists of obscure and out of print singles and albums that can only be found on music blogs. It's my feeling that Megaupload actually serves a legitimate purpose, and is actually a very inefficient method for those who want to rip off the entertainment industry.
This show also talks a bit about Reg Presley of The Troggs, who recently announced that he was retiring the band due to the discovery of lung cancer. Known primarily for "Wild Thing", the band actually had quite a few great tunes during their mid-60's heyday.
As always (or should I say hopefully), you can find this show at the various online hideouts, or you can directly download it HERE!
1. Paul Kelly, Domestic Criminal 
2. The Neighborhoods, No Place Like Home  
3. Real Kids, Outta Place 
4. Best Kissers In The World, Hit Parader 
5. Dancing Hoods Impossible Years  
6. Dimestore Darlings, Waste of Time  
7. Purple Things, Wild Man 
8. The Bogeymen, I'm Sure You'll Get Everything You Want
9. The Mummies, Little Miss Tee-N-T  
10. Wild Giraffes, Move it on Over  
11. The Penetrators, Teenage Lifestyle 
12. Tranzmitors, Who's Gonna Tell Mary?
13. Replacements, Bastards Of Young  
14. HĆ¼sker DĆ¼, Ticket to Ride 
15. Soul Asylum, To Sir With Love 
16. The Tired And True, I'm The One  
17. Caleb Lionheart, Anchor Grill  
18. Hospital Garden, I'm Not A Punk 
19. Bike Tuff, When I Get Old  
20. Plow, United Bikeage 
21. Bouncing Souls, Pervert 
22. Pavement, It's A Hectic World 
23. Bunnygrunt, Silly Girl  
24. The Troggs, I Can't Control Myself  
25. The Troggs, 66 5 4 3 2 1  
26. Sonic Youth, Is It My Body? 
27. Love Battery, Mr. Soul  
28. Mad Daddys, Take Me Back To Woodstock  
29. Supersnazz, I Wanna Be Your Love 
30. The Delinquents, Sticky Situation  
31. The Launderettes, I Wanna Jump Your Bones
32. Nikki & The Corvettes, Back Seat Love
33. The Scruffs, Frozen Girls 
34. Thee Oh Sees, Where the People Do Drugs  
35. Suburban Studs, Suburban Stud 
36. The Brags, Pretty Girls (Don't Notice Me)  
37. The Waldos, Seven Day Weekend
38. The Booze, Straight To Hell 
39. Cannibals, Back Door Man  
40. Short Dogs Grow, Doesn't Somebody Wanna Be Wanted  
41. The Mr. T Experience, Sonic Reducer  
42. The Vipers, I've Got You 


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