Live Ledge #400: New Releases

It should be no surprise to anyone that the latest album by The Muffs, No Holiday, is the feature record of this month's new release episode. Even without the tragic death of leader Kim Shattuck, this episode was bound to feature a handful of tracks from this release.
But there was definitely no doubt after tearfully reading bandmate Roy McDonald's story on Shattuck's last months in the LA Times, and her desire to finish what is ultimately the band's final record. It's truly remarkable that this record even was finished, let alone as great as it is.
This episode also features great new tracks by the likes of Jeffrey Lewis, Mikal Cronin, Guided By Voices, Mark Lanegan, and so many more. There's also a plethora of email submissions by up and coming acts such as Uncle, Reverse, Taking On Water, Teenage Bubblegums, and Tio Rico. Of course, there's brand new Rum Bar releases by The Dirty Trucker's Tom Baker and The Speedways.
After listening, please go purchase those tracks you enjoy! You can find this show at almost any podcast site, including iTunes and Stitcher...or


1. Jeffrey Lewis & the Voltage, LPs
2. Bob Dylan, Wanted Man (Take 1)
3. The Kinks, Victoria (Alternate Stereo Remix)
4. Dave Davies, Mr. Reporter (Stereo Remix)
5. The Muffs, No Holiday
6. The Muffs, Late And Sorry
7. The Muffs, Happier Just Being With You
8. The Muffs, On My Own
9. Mikal Cronin, I've Got Reason
10. Young Guv, Try Not To Hang On So Hard
11. Guided By Voices, The Very Second
12. Mark Lanegan Band, Disbelief Suspension
13. Uncle, Big Bad Wolf (Warewolf)
14. Blues Lawyer, Something Different
15. Brix & The Extricated, Dinosaur Girl
16. Empath, Hanging Out of Cars
17. Empath, Drunken Angel/The Other Side
18. Starcrawler, Home Alone
19. Reverse, Bloody Mary & Grant Hart
20. Taking On Water, John Doe
21. Danny "O" & The Astrotones, Teenage Obsolescence
22. Jared Morris, Everybody Hates The Shit I Do
23. Program, Memory
25. The Shivas, Playing On The Radio
26. The Speedways, Seen Better Days (Single Mix 2019)
27. Spielbergs, Distant Star
28. Jack Oblivian and the Dream Killers, Good Time Bad Girl
29. The Cutthroat Brothers, Shake Move Howl Kill
30. Lone Wolf, Can't Stop You Anyway
31. The Schizophonics, Nine Miles
32. Real Tears, Beers on Mars
33. Teenage Bubblegums, How I Feel
34. The Phone Jerks, Vehicular Manslaughter
35. TĆ­o Rico, Don't Tell Me To Smile
36. Tom Baker, Weird Romance


Anonymous saidā€¦
PW Cover Thoroughbred from 49:00

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