Rant a Bit #7: Bernie Hunhoff

Scott Ehrisman and I took Rant a Bit on the road this month, taking the scenic route to beautiful Yankton, SD to interview South Dakota Magazine owner and House Minority Leader Bernie Hunhoff. Besides a handful of local and national issues, we grilled Hunhoff on this year's Legislative Session. Rant a Bit is available in iTunes, or directly download the show here.


TL saidā€¦
You know, it took me awhile (until tonight) to notice that you guys, Scott H. and Scott E., are collaborating here. Not that I'm surprised.

Now you can discuss, briefly, I'm sure, how Scott E. met me at a certain somewhat-Italian restaurant as a fellow busboy in the early '90s, and Scott H. and I formally met at the CC Club in Mpls last year sometime...

Be good,
Scott saidā€¦

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